announcement & napowrimo 2018

I just want to give anyone who follows a heads up about the state of this blog-

I started this a long time ago as a way to keep my poetry in one place, and after a lot of consideration, I will be deleting the contents of this site and moving them over to my main site: ggscratches. Now, I’ve thought about linking this over, changing the name, but until I buy the domain name it’s going to cost a lot of time and effort to redirect everything. I probably won’t delete until after napowrimo happens, simply because I’ll be too busy, but I really encourage anyone who follows/likes my poetry to head over and follow me there.

I will be doing napowrimo 2018 BUT not on this blog, but the other. Once I’ve moved all of the poetry to the other site, I will delete everything on here, and just leave it blank. The reason is because this blog name…is something I don’t exactly want connected to my main site (blah blah fanfiction reasons blah blah).

So, I hope some followers will join my other site, and good luck with napowrimo 2018!