Extremely late, but it was unfortunate that I wasn’t able to participate in 2017’s napowrimo (real life sucks), but I hope to make up for it by doing by 15 poems in march warm-up and obviously, doing napowrimo 2018.

Onto some good news though- I think I got my website up for sure? Unless I magically acquire funds to buy my own doman & build my own,  ggscratches.wordpress.com will be the place for all of my original works (and maybe some art!).

This website will obviously remain as my napowrimo blog, but I’ll be linking over some works slowly, and of course, publishing some poems & original fiction. I actually have one up already, Buried, Deep in Red, so head on over.

I’ll probably update more as the website becomes more and more stable, so please check for that!